Meet Shari, Your Davis Facilitator


Shari Chu is a licensed and certified Davis Dyslexia Correction® Facilitator as well as a graduate of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program. She has her Bachelor of Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio and her Masters Degree in Education from Houston Baptist University. Shari taught elementary school and served as director of University United Methodist Day School in San Antonio.

Shari is dyslexic and achieved in school through hard work and determination. “I wish I could have participated in the Davis Program much earlier in life,” she said. “School could have been simpler for me.”

“As I went through the Davis Program, it was so valuable for me to learn how my mind works,” Chu said. “I now use my gifts and talents along with the Davis methods to achieve my goals. I enjoy working with clients of all ages (7 to 70) and feel honored to share with others the Davis tools and strategies that continue to enhance my life.”